kProcessor's Website

Welcome to my website, here I collect articles or webpages I find interesting and also write a bit on other bits of things I find intriguing. It is not however, a shrine for Dragonball Z. I repeat, there is no hidden url path on this site which contains a shrine for Dragonball Z.

I have a collection of links I've compiled over time if you're interested (none of which have anything to do with Dragonball Z). Also, a codeberg repo (coming soon) containing some nonsense I've programmed. I'm interested in procedural generation, games, and neat-o Bash tricks that I've picked up.

My favorite television shows:

Notice there is no Dragonball Z. Because I do not like Dragonball Z. I do not understand what would give you, dear reader, the misunderstanding that I like Dragonball Z. I have absolutely never seen an episode of it. I never watched in eager anticipation as Goku gathered lifeforce for a spirit bomb to defeat Frieza and rabidly discussed it at school the next day. I mean, yeah no. What?

My favorite movies:

If you're trying to learn webdev stuff, check out the MDN.